MOD Kolejinde çocuklar bireysel ilgiye, birebir zamana ve önemsenmeye ihtiyacı olduğu dönemde bireysel ilgi görür, kaybolmaz, önemsenir.

mod koleji ilkokulu dil ve matematik eğitimi

MOD Koleji İlkokulu, öğrencilerini hayata ve bir sonraki eğitim kurumu olan ortaokula en iyi biçimde hazırlayan, çağdaş ve yenilikçi bir okuldur. Çalışmalarında eğitim, psikoloji ve yönetim alanlarındaki bilimsel gelişmeleri ve bulguları temel alır, bilimin gösterdiği aydınlık yolda ilerler. Bu sayede yurdumuzda ve dünyada öncü çalışmalara imza atar, akademik çizgisi en üst düzeyde olan Türk ve Dünya okulları arasında yerini alır.

Okulumuzda çocukların kişi olarak çok iyi tanınma şansı ve fırsatı vardır. Kişisel ilişkiler, sosyal ilişkiler çok daha güvenli bir ortamda denenerek yaşanır.

Çocukların her birinin farklı olabilecek ihtiyaçlarının neler olduğunun farkına varılabilir ve bu ihtiyaçların çok daha kısa zamanda; çok daha etkin giderilmesi sağlanır.

Okulumuz her bir öğrencinin kendini göstermesi ve öğretmenlerin ilgisinden yararlanması için daha çok fırsat sunar ve performansını yükseltir. Ayrıca kişisel ilgi, öğrencinin derslere ilgisini arttırır ve başarısını beraberinde getirir.

mod koleji ilkokulu dil ve matematik


LANGUAGE AND MATHEMATICS (LAM ) metodumuz öğrencilerimize anadili ile birlikte, anadili gibi yabancı dil ve çözüm odaklı birey oluşturmak için matematik öğretme temeli üzerine kurulmuştur.

MOD Bodrum Koleji İlkokulu; Türkçe’yi doğru ve düzgün kullanan, İngilizce ve Rusça dillerine hakim, öğrenmeyi, araştırmayı ve sorgulamayı seven, bilgiye ulaşabilen ve bildiklerini kullanabilen, problemlere çözüm üreten öğrenciler yetiştirir.

MOD Bodrum Koleji İlkokulu’nun hedefi; kendine güvenen, sosyal ve duygusal yönleri gelişmiş, ulusal ve evrensel değerleri özümseyen mezunlar vermektir. Bu hedefe, öğrencilerinin çok yönlü gelişimini bireysel olarak izleyip destekleyerek ulaşır.

mod koleji ilkokulu language and mathematics
mod koleji ilkokulu
mod bodrum ilkokul


Relate to analytical thinking and daily life (prediction, measurement, etc.).
Hands on materials, flash cards are used.
They are guided to work in collaboration with group works.
Support is provided for individual differences and needs (Differentiated learning)

While Teaching Mathematics;

  • Guess,
  • Matching,
  • Grouping,
  • Classification,
  • Creating Graphics-Patterns-Links,
  • Interpretation,

usingg these stages, analytical thinking skills are strengthened by experiencing and observing.

  • The upper-level literacy program is applied.
  • Working with worksheets (fabes and fairy tales)
  • Reading corner (reading at every opportunity)is created.
  • Writing activities ( appropriate to the genre, subject to the theme) are done.

Keeping a Diary

  • Our students will write their diaries on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday in Turkish and on Mondays and Saturdays in English.
  • Our students are required to use a diary in size A5 and bring these diaries to the school every day in order to be checked by the responsible teachers.

Weekend reading Book

  • Week-end book readings are done in the form of a week of reading and evaluating i Turkish and a week of reading in English.
  • The entire school reading time (one day a month during the specific hours ) is done.

Literacy Studies

  • Induction method is used.
  • First sounds are given.
  • It is important that the alphabet is not taught before at home.
  • Studies are made to combine syllables and words.
  • Creation of new words and syllables is provided.

Literacy Studies

  • Induction method is used.
  • First sounds are given.
  • It is important that the alphabet is not taught before at home.
  • Studies are made to combine syllables and words.
  • Creation of new words and syllables is provided.
  • They are provided with basic life skills and connections with daily life.
  • The development of research and inquiry skills is supported.
  • Research skills are developed according to the themes.
  • Field trips are organized within the scope of Life Science course themes.

Field Trip Information

    • 3 days before the trip, the necessary tools to be brought for the trip are informed. (Photo Camera)
    • In case of cancellation of the trip, one week before the prior notice is given.
    • Our trips consist of three parts;
      1. Excursion phase (Data collection about the place and the aim of the trip)
      2. Sight seeing stage (Collecting datas)
      3. After the trip (data interpretation)
    • What are our parents’ expectations?
      In the trips you go as a family, in accordance with the steps mentioned above, you can direct your child and make your trip both fun and informative.

In our project works

  • To establish a relationship between the subjects
  • Development of communication skills
  • Development of problem solving skills
  • Gaining the ability to comment
  • Learning team work
  • Strengthening the social aspects
  • To be able to act freely and make decisions
  • Developing application capabilities
  • The sense of combining the theoretical lessons learned for a result is the important gains of our students.

Our View of Home Works

  • Awareness of responsibility is developed.
  • They are able to establish a connection between the subjects they have learned and daily life.
  • It helps to spend quality time.

Parent Role

  • Duration (The time to start and finish the home work is important to follow the individual development of the student.)
  • Plan (Weekly home work lessons and days schedule and planned work is provided.)
  • Work Environment (Students should work in their own room)

Habit Gaining
Regular and planned work habits are gained.

In case the home works are not done at home, the student will be completed at school during garden times.

1st Grade Pre-Reading Home Study Program















Turkish Reading


English Reading


Total30 minutes30  minutes30 minutes 30 minutes











Turkish Reading


English Reading


Total20 minutes20 minutes20 minutes 20 minutes











Turkish Reading


English Reading


Total30 minutes30 minutes30 minutes 30 minutes

In today’s world, as much as academic success, honesty, respectful, to comply with moral values, easy to communicate, to take care of human relations, courtesy rules, cleaning, order and so on has become modern life’s indispensable concepts are also highlighted. he individual is treated as a whole. Efforts are shown to develop features that make human beings human.

Teaching our values ​​to our children in schools is very important in terms of creating a healthy society. How important it is to teach them math and Turkish lessons, to teach values is also must. Teaching is not only limited to mental learning, but also to students’ emotions, attitudes and so on. One of the elements that ensure the development of all behaviors and completes the integrity of education is values ​​education.

It’s of course more difficult for values to reflect on behavior than knowledge about values. Here, teaching methods to be used in values education gain importance. It is possible to inform the student about the values with the method of narration, but in order to gain those values, we need to use what we call active teaching methods. In this context, we work with our students on our values (responsibility, tolerance, respect, sharing, cooperation, love, productivity, benevolence, self-confidence) that we determine monthly through “case studies, dramatization methods and educational games”.


Our students are supported according to their individual differences and needs (Differentiated learning).

Differentiated learning is a learning approach that accepts students’ different individual characteristics such as prior knowledge (readiness), interest, and learning styles. In our school, separate content is prepared for our students and individual and group works are carried out with the students. Thus, we follow the individual development of the students as well as their harmony and academic and social development within the group.

  • 4 observation reports (4 periods) are sent on the last day of each period.
  • Syllbus (monthly goals are the first day of each month) is shared with our parents.
  • 3 parents meeting;
    1. Second week of October, 1st Routine Parents Meeting
    2. Second week of January, 2nd Routine Parents Meeting
    3. Last week of March, 3rd Routine Parents Meeting
  • Guidance meeting (one to one appointment at the beginning of the year)
  • End-of-year guidance meeting (one to one appointment)

Parent Communication

  • The communication part of the communication books is used daily for teacher and parent communication.
  • The evaluation part is used by the class guidance teacher for one week and by the foreign language teachers for one week for sharing the evaluation of the student with the parents.
  • In the use of the communication book it is important to sign that it is seen by the parent.
  • Drama
  • Dance and folk dances
  • Robotics Coding
  • Chess
  • Three Dimensional Art