In today’s conditions, many parents have to work and maintain their lives. There are two reasons for this.
To support the family economy in an economic sense.
It is that business life has become an important part of their personality.
At this point, what we should be doing is looking at ways to make life easier as a working parent, rather than getting into a debate about whether moms or dads should work. But while doing all this, the first thing we should focus on is what not to do. The first concept that comes to mind in this regard is undoubtedly the feeling of guilt.Guilt is a negative emotional state that a person feels consciously or unconsciously and shakes the person’s value judgments about himself. At the same time, it also negatively affects the self-confidence of parents. The most basic reason for this is;
it is that parents think that they are harming, neglecting their children because they are not there for them.
Actually, it’s not like that. Research conducted indicates that there is no significant difference between the children of working and non-working parents in terms of language development, academic development and behavioral problems. Dec. Therefore, what we need to do as a priority is to accept the working life and stop feeling guilty. In this way, life will be much easier for parents.So how can this process be made easier.
Focus on quality, not quantity! Remember that what makes a difference in a child is not the time, but how that time is evaluated. No matter how well their daily care and routines are carried out, the important thing is that these arrangements are combined with parental attention. At the end of a long and separate day spent with your child, the only request of the child is to spend time with mom and dad and complete this time with interest.
Make a business section! Both parents need quality time that they can spend with their children. At this point, small partnerships will make your job easier. For example: Mom can put the dishes in the machine while mom is playing with the child, dad can put the dishes in the machine, or mom can prepare the next day’s lunch while dad is reading a story to the child. This way you will share your load and devote more time to each other at the end of the day.
Plan it! Try to establish a routine. What time will you wake up, what time will you leave the house, who will pick up the child from school, etc. determine all these things. Try to apply it as much as possible. Just as routines make children happy, remember that they also relax parents.
Stop being your children’s teacher! Take care to follow up your child’s homework instead of doing it together. Show them the way at the points where they are missing or need help. Then spend quality time with your children by doing what you need to do as a mother and father.
In short,
Try to enjoy the weekends.
Be comfortable with cleaning and house layout.
Instead of different dishes, choose nutritious and easily prepared dishes.
Remember the fun memories you made together.
Mod College PDR Unit
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