Sibling jealousy is all of the emotions that cause parents to feel guilty, sadness, anger, and the inability of mom and dad to share with another child. In order to reduce this issue to a minimum, it is necessary to pay attention to some points. These:
Entering the new brother idea in the right way,
Putting order in the house after childbirth,
To understand the changing behavior with the arrival of your brother.
Entering the new brother idea in the right way:
During the pregnancy process, you should try to talk to your child about his new sibling. You can enter the topic from her infancy, show her photos of infancy, and then talk about the layout that will change at home after a few months.
On the other hand, you should also include your child in other preparations made at home. For example: it might be a good idea for him to choose a toy for his brother. By making him feel important in this way, you will make him understand that he has grown up without even realizing it.
On the other hand, when the mother is in labor, it is who will stay with the child. At this stage, the child should stay with a person who knows him well and feels safe.
The most critical point is the attention of your immediate environment to the newborn. Before coming to your visitors who will come to see the baby, you should remind them to look at the child first and notice him.
Putting order in the house after childbirth:
Starting from the very beginning, you should make the child get to know his brother. Under your control, you can support the baby to stroke his cheeks, love his fingers.
In the early days, mothers may exhibit overly protective behaviors. This is very normal. However, this situation negatively affects the relationship between the two brothers. Dec. For this reason, the baby needs to be protected and loved without overdoing it.
When the newborn is a few months old, support your child to communicate more independently. At this stage, when the brothers are playing with each other, follow them from a distance and put some distance Decoupled between you. It’s hard to do, but try it!
Show balanced attention to both of your children. For example, involve your child in this situation when feeding the newborn or taking the gold. Talk to him or play games with him at the same time.
Understanding the behavior that changes with the arrival of your brother:
Sometimes it is not enough to enter the subject correctly. Since the arrival of the newborn at home, backward movement or baby-like movements may be observed in your child’s behavior. Although these vary depending on the age difference between them, at a recent age; they are in the form of re-sucking, wanting to be carried on the lap all day, or children starting to wet their bottom again. Dec. The reason for this is that your children learn by taking role models. Just as children learn by modeling the positive or negative behavior of their parents, they can model the behavior of their brother who manages to attract attention. The only solution to this is to encourage your child by focusing on the right behaviors that you want to see and ignoring the behaviors that you don’t want to see.
What needs to be done is to be able to look at the concept of “brotherhood” from the positive sides by parents. These:
Always having a playmate,
During the school orientation process, he can cope better with his friends,
Language development progresses much faster with the games they will play together,
It can be ranked as if he learned to share at a much earlier age.
And remember, the only viable solution to prevent sibling jealousy is to have only one child Decently. Therefore, it is a more realistic solution to find alternative ways to prevent arguments between children. Dec.
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